KDE SC 4.5 Wallpapers
The wallpaper contest has ended and now I can announce that KDE SC 4.5 will have 12 shiny new wallpapers:
Autumn, Grass, Hanami and Stripes will be part of kdebase, while all the other wallpapers will go into kdeartwork.
Thanks to:
- Alexandre Courbot (Hanami, Korea)
- Helena Świderska (Yellow Flowers)
- Ivan Čukić (Stripes)
- Jonas Arnfred (Blue Wood)
- Jorge Sandín (City at Night)
- Piotr Adamek (Autumn)
- Risto Saukonpää (Chess, Dragonfly, Field, Grass)
- Sebastian Schubert (Osterkaktus)
- and to everyone who has sent photos.
KDE needs you :)
KDE SC 4.5 will be released soon in August and we would love to see some of your photos beeing part of the KDE SC wallpaper collection 🙂
If you want to participate you must keep to 3 fundamental rules:
- you must be the author of the photograph, you must provide your full name and you have to state the license (lgpl v3 is better).
- entries must be at least 1920×1200 resolution and a copy of the photo in RAW format (if available) is apprecitated.
- you must send your photographs to davide.bettio@kdemail.net before the 13th of june with the word “WALLPAPER” in the subject
Your wallpapers will be evaluted by some of the KDE artists and the best wallpapers will be released with KDE SC 4.5.
more tokamak photos
- Plasma Board
- Aaron, Sandro and Frederik
- ASCII icon theme
- it-s and Ivan
- Lancelot Debugging
- Albrecht Dürer house
- Aaron and Sebas karaoke
- it-s and Savago karaoke
Plasma and QGesture*
Plasma has support for mulitouch events but for some reasons I can’t get any QGestureEvent, does anyone have any idea about why QGesture doesn’t work with Plasma?
It seems that QGestureRecognizers can receive QEvent::TouchBegin but they can’t receive QEvent::TouchUpdate or QEvent::TouchEnd.
Any idea?
Plasma Web Browser and WebKit
Recently I’ve been working on the web browser plasmoid and since yesterday it’s possible to use it like a complete stand alone browser (with advanced rendering capabilities thanks to QtWebKit), moreover Plasma::WebView has been recently ported to KGraphicsWebView so it has KDE integration too.
The summary of recent changes is:
- Plasma::WebView does the same (and better) with less lines of code.
- Plasma::WebView uses now a KDE integrated WebKit.
- Web Browser now supports windows (with overlays).
- The progress bar has been replaced with a ProgressComboBox (like rekonq).
By the end of the tokamak plasma will provided to users a complete web experience.
tokamak 4
designing good user interfaces (2 – Removing Useless Clutter)

Useless clutter

Less clutter
The groupbox in the first UI is completely useless and it only adds more clutter for free, so it has been removed in the second UI. What we get is a less cluttered UI and every widget is grouped by the tabwidget.
designing good user interfaces (1 – Label Alignment)

Bad Label Alignment

Good Label Alignment
The first UI has a wrong label alignment (KDE 3.x alignment), while the second UI has the right label alignment (KDE 4.x alignment).
HIG on techbase